>On Tue, 05 Sep 2000 19:08:18 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:

>>>     exists  (sometimes causes autovivification, which affects C<keys>)
>>That's not technically accurate--exists never causes autovivification.  

>       print exists $hash{foo}{bar}{baz};
>       use Data::Dumper;
>       print Dumper \%hash;

>Technically correct or not, there IS some autovivification going on, and
>it's due to what's tested in exists().

Wrong.  You will see no "baz" element autovivaciously leap lustfully into
exists.  This is the ONLY thing that exists is checking for.  Notice
how the same result occurs here:

    print 1 + $hash{foo}{bar}{baz};
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper \%hash;

It's not exists().  Didn't you read what I cited?  I swear I've written
this a million times.  


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