Chaim Frenkel wrote:

> The problem I have with this plan, is reconciling the fact that a
> database update does all of this and more. And how to do it is a known
> problem, its been developed over and over again.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  You are confusing transactions with
threading, and the two are fundamentally different.  Transactions are
just a way of saying 'I want to see all of these changes, or none of
them'.  You can do this even in a non-threaded environment by
serialising everything.  Deadlock avoidance in databases is difficult,
and Oracle for example 'resolves' a deadlock by picking one of the two
deadlocking transactions at random and forcibly aborting it.

> Perl has full control of its innards so up until any data leaves perl's
> control, perl should be able to restart any changes.
> Take a mark at some point, run through the code, if the changes take,
> we're ahead of the game. If something fails, back off to the checkpoint
> and try the code again.
> So any stretch of code with only operations on internal structures could
> be made eligable for retries.

Which will therefore be utterly useless.  And, how on earth will you
identify sections that "only operate on internal data"?

Alan Burlison

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