
Summary report 20000911

RFC 72: The regexp engine should go backward as well as
        forward. (Peter Heslin)

The author sent revised version of the RFC.  There seem to be two ideas

1. The lookbehind assertions should work for variable-length
   patterns.  (At present they match only fixed-length strings.)

2. The programmer would be able to optimize the regex match by
   directing the engine to an unlikely part of the pattern first.  For
   example, if you are looking for 'e.*z', and you write


   the regex engine might look first for an e, then some following
   X's, in hopes of finding a 'z afterwards.  If there are many e's
   and few z's, this may result in many false starts.  Peter's idea
   seems to be that with 


   the regex engine would look first for a 'z', and then for
   *preceding* 'X*', and then for an 'e' before that, which might be

   Bart Lateur said that the regex engine should do this sort of
   optimization automatically.  (In fact it already does in some

Hugo points out that a variable-length lookbehind might be more powerful.

RFC 93: Regex: Support for incremental pattern matching  (Damian Conway)

No discussion this week.

RFC 110: counting matches  (Richard Proctor)

Richard released version 4 of the RFC, which just adds a couple of
personal opinions  about how 

        $number = () = m/.../g;

is ugly.  He says that he is going to add some suggestions from Hugo
van der Sanden and then freeze the RFC at the end of the week.

RFC 112: Assignment within a regex  (Richard Proctor)

No discussion.

RFC 138: Eliminate =~ operator.  (Steve Fink)

Steve withdrew this RFC in favor of RFC 164.

RFC 144: Behavior of empty regex should be simple  (Mark Dominus)


RFC 145: Brace-matching for Perl Regular Expressions  (Eric Roode)

David Corbin suggested an alternative syntax.  This sparked a long
series of syntactic suggestions.  Nathan Wiger suggested a special
syntax for matching XML-style open and close tags.  (However, he did
not submit an RFC.)

I *still* think that all the proposals for this functionality are too
limited and too specific.  Others seem to be thinking in the same
direction.  Jonathan Scott Duff asked

        What if we just provided deep enough hooks into the RE engine
        that specialized parsing constructs like these could easily be
        added by those who need them?

Michael Maraist said that more powerful and convenient parsin should
be incorporated into Perl, not into the regex engine.  Tom
Christiansen expressed agreement.  Damian Conway suggested that
people look at Parse::RecDescent and suggested that this and other
parsing modules were the right direction to go.

I sent a note about SNOBOL syntaxes, and promosed that Joe McMahon and
I would an RFC, but it has not appeared yet.

RFC 150: Extend regex syntax to provide for return of a hash of
         matched subpatterns  (Kevin Walker)

Kevin reported back on Python's version of this feature.  He said that
the major deficiency in his proporsl is that there is nothing
analogous to the \1 in /(.*)\1/.  He promised a revised RFC, which has
not appeared yet.

RFC 158: Regular Expression Special Variables  (Uri Guttman)

It was pointed out that part of Uri's proposal was to make $& block
scoped, but $& is already block scoped.  Uri has not sent a revised RFC.

RFC 164: Replace =~, !~, m//, s///, and tr// with match(), subst(),
         and trade()  (Nathan Wiger)

Surprisingly, there was no discussion about this RFC this week.

RFC 165: Allow variables in tr///  (Richard Proctor)

Richard suggested that he freeze the RFC, but I don't believbe he has
sufficiently taken into account the last round of discussion.  I have
asked for a revision.

RFC 166: Additions to regexs  (Richard Proctor)

Richard plans to drop two of the three items here, and retain only
the one that makes


equivalent to

        (??(join '|', @foo))

I pointed out that this is already possible with a compile-time
overloaded constant, and provided a demonstration module.

RFC 170: Generalize =~ to a special-purpose assignment operator
         (Nathan Wiger)

Still little discussion of this.

RFC 197: Numberic Value Ranges In Regular Expressions (David Nichol)
There was no discussion.

RFC 198: Boolean Regexes (Richard Proctor)

Richard says that this is a development of the 'negated expression'
idea that he dropped from RFC 166.  

Discussion from RFC 166 pointed out that Richard had not said clearly
what he wanted his (?^...) proposal to do.  Richard proposed a
definition, and I followed up pointing out that even his proposed
definition did not do what he wanted.  Richard then said he would
tighten up the definition, but it appears that he didn't do this.

However, there has been no discussion of this proposal.

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