On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 08:30:44AM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Using the proposed tristate pragma does not strike me as any better -
> in fact, worse - than adding null() because you are now changing the
> meaning of fundamental Perl operations. You're *still* introducing "yet
> another state of null", but to do so you're conflating undef and null,
> which are themselves different concepts. For example, assuming this
> code:
>    $name = undef;
>    print "Hello world!" if ($name eq undef);
> The same operation would print "Hello world!" in one circumstance, but
> nothing under the tristate pragma.

Right. as opposed to 

    print "Hello world!" if ($name eq null);

which would probably do the same.

But the point is that you only use the pragma IF THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT

adding null which is a bit different to undef, then later adding another
with is a litle different again in some way and then ....

This is not the way to go.

If you want an operator to act differently on some piece of data then a pragma
is the way to do it.

> This is just as dangerous as having a
> pragma like so:
>    use 'zeroistrue';
>    $num = 0;
>    print "Got data" if ( ! $num );

Whats dangerous about that. It is doing exactly what I asked it to.


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