On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 10:59:46PM +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 13:54:47 -0400, Tad McClellan wrote:
> >> Improperly nested tags, or one character it
> >> doesn't recognize... and the parser says "nyet".
> >
> >I read that as "the machine will tell me when I messed up".
> >
> >I'd rather have a machine tell me than have to figure it
> >out myself. I think I claim some of the Good Laziness there  :-)
> That's not my experience with XML::Parser. It gives some weird error
> message, mentions a line number and a column number that doesn't even
> exist... and that's it. It's not very helpful. You usually don't even
> get any output so you can see where and how you messed up.
> It's the same Good Laziness that tells me it's no good.

That is a deficiency in XML::Parser (a tool) not with XML.

I find that nsgmls (with an XMLified SGML Declaration) does
a good job. I always check XML data with nsgmls first.

(nsgmls is an SGML parser, not a XML parser, but I've never
 come across bad XML that it lets by...

XML::Parser gives bad messages, so XML is bad.

The Blue Screen Of Death is bad, so computers are bad?

[  Puhleeeze don't think that I am defending XML over POD. I am
   firmly in the POD camp. So many others are in that camp, that
   I just haven't added my <aol>Me too!</aol> ('til now :-)

    Tad McClellan                          SGML consulting
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Perl programming
    Fort Worth, Texas

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