On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 02:08:37PM +0000, David Grove wrote:
> Ok, _from_ the books on the reading list, I'm seeing no precedent for a
> parser/lexer/tokenizer that uses multiple input "languages". Yes I know
> that GCC does F77/ASM/C/C++ but I'm not sure those completely relate.

That does relate, and isn't documented.

> Simon (?) brought up the problem that we might end up with a monolithic
> beastie

I don't recall saying anything about it being a problem. :)

> Reading what you say, "parser/lexer/tokenizer" (multiple things) "part"
> (one thing). That's got to be a stumbling block of some kind.


As in certain cults it is possible to kill a process if you know its true name.
                -- Ken Thompson and Dennis M. Ritchie

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