On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, David Grove wrote:

> Ok, my C's rather rusty, but are we interested in parsing that?

Yes.  I've heard people talk about a C frontend.  Will it ever see the
light?  I don't know.  Does it matter?  I don't think so.

> Is Perl going to provide API to access pointers through source
> code?

Perl 6 wouldn't be the first to do so for Perl if it did.  Check out SWIG.
I'm guessing that's not the route that a C frontend for Perl would take
but who knows!

> The point is, to accomplish the goal the way it's being expressed
> would be to provide the ability to do anything with perl internals
> that can be done in any other language that has ever existed, and
> leave the flexibility to do everything that every other language will
> ever do in the future.

Actually, we're just talking about allowing people to write parsers for
other syntaxes that produce Perl 6 syntax trees.  Wether sufficient
skill and interest exists to build such a beast for any given syntax is
another question.

The kind of stuff you're interested in - mild twists on the Perl syntax -
will also be possible, hopefully easy.  Easy things easy, hard things
possible, right?  Are you saying you don't think we should make it
possible for someone to write a C parser for Perl?


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