>>>>> "DS" == Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DS> Anyone know of a good bigint/bigfloat library whose terms are such
  DS> that we can just snag the source and use it in perl? I don't
  DS> really care to write the code for division, let alone the
  DS> transcendental math ops...

well, people have mentioned ruby has a fast version of those. i would
imagine its license is compatible with perl but IANAL (hey, i used that
for the first time since i learned it at the first perl quiz show and
didn't know it).

not that it would help much, but many eons ago i wrote a packed decimal
math library for PL/I. i was taught a trick (excess 3) where you use 32
bit integer math and shifts to do adds very quickly. everything else sat
on top of add. :). i would imagine bigint would be similar in some ways.

regarding bigfloat, i can see both the mantissa and the exponent
growing. i seem to get from this thread that the exponent does has a max
value of some large int (32 bits?). is this a reasonable limitation? it
does seem kinda large having a max exponent in the billions. :)


Uri Guttman  ---------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
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