On Monday 12 February 2001 12:40, Branden wrote:
> Probably Perl 6 programs will be cached/distributed in optimized byte code
> format.

I'm not sure about the leading 'probably'.  Perl 6 programs will most likely 
be like most other open-source programs in other languages - either source, 
which you build, or compiled, which you don't.  I haven't seen any numbers 
which indicate which is currently more prevalent for, say, C, let alone how 
things will be with Perl.

> Putting the burden of optimize code above the interpreter allows a quicker
> interpreter (since it doesn't need to do expensive optimizations) and
> allows more optimized code, since the code can go through a real expensive
> optimizator once and be stored to be used by the interpreter many times
> (this could be done for distributing the production version of the
> program).

But that also depends on the program.  Anything runtime opens yourself up for 
the interpretation/compilation/(heavy optimization) stage again.

I suppose one could say, run the expensive optimization threads for the - 
what's it called?  The first level?  The static compile?  The original eval? 
- and forego it for any runtime evals that need to be done.   Of course, Perl 
is more complicated that that.

Bryan C. Warnock

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