Nicholas Clark wrote:
> It makes them far more useful as tidy up things if they are tacked
> on at runtime, not compile time.

If I understand, it is proposed that code like this:

        POST { Beta };
        POST { Delta };

will behave something like this:

        my @onEnd = ();
        try {
            unshift @onEnd, sub { Beta };
            unshift @onEnd, sub { Delta };
        finally {
            foreach (@onEnd) { &{$_}(); }

If so, then I have some observations.

  - It does have in-flow presence, so it doesn't suffer from the
    problem that "always" has; POST is a statement, not a dangling
    clause.  That fixes my main complaint with RFC 119.  On the
    other hand, now there's nothing at the end of the scope to tell
    you whether or not have to revisit the whole scope to check if
    there are any POST clauses before you advance your mind to the
    next statement.  Hmm.

  - It does solve the dual free problem.  Where RFC 88 says:

        try { my $p = P->new; my $q = Q->new; ... }
        finally { $p and $p->Done; }
        finally { $q and $q->Done; }

    the proposed method could say:

        my $p = P->new; POST { $p->Done; };
        my $q = Q->new; POST { $q->Done; };

    On the other hand, there is no easy way to specify the order
    in which $p->Done and $q->Done are invoked, independent of
    the order in which $p and $q are constructed.  Hmm.

  - The semantics aren't quite the same as "try", which
    declares exception handling blocks that are active once
    try's block is entered, not when the declarations are
    passed in the block.  Perhaps both mechanisms should be
    supported?  RFC 88 does suggest that RFC 119 should be
    considered independent of RFC 88, not as an alternative

  - If the contents of a POST block raises an exception, how
    does it affect other POST blocks?

    In the example above, if $p->Done throws, then $q->Done should
    be called, *and* vice versa, *and* unwinding should propagate if
    either one threw (or anything else did for that matter, unless
    it was caught without the catching throwing).

  - What about CATCH blocks (what RFC 88 calls "catch" and RFC 119
    calls "except")?  What exactly is the interaction between these
    dynamic POST and CATCH blocks?  We will need a detailed semantics,
    along the lines of

  - What about conditional CATCH blocks?  What syntax can we
    use that interacts reasonably well with the rest of Perl?

  - What's the return value?  With RFC 88 you can say:

        my $r = try { f() } catch { 0 };

    What are the syntax and semantics in the CATCH/POST case?
    Perhaps something like:

        my $r = do { CATCH { 0 } f() };


Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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