On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 01:58:57PM -0700, Tony Olekshy wrote:
>   - It does have in-flow presence, so it doesn't suffer from the
>     problem that "always" has; POST is a statement, not a dangling
>     clause.  That fixes my main complaint with RFC 119.  On the
>     other hand, now there's nothing at the end of the scope to tell
>     you whether or not have to revisit the whole scope to check if
>     there are any POST clauses before you advance your mind to the
>     next statement.  Hmm.
You seem to like a /lot/ of context markers for line-of-flow-control.  I
think that's somwhat misguided.  Perl already has a fair number of
out-of-line control semantics.  DESTROY, overloaded operators, and other
CAPITAL subs come to mind.  Moreover, I see no need to declare at the
beginning, middle, and end of a block that there's some exception
handling/out of order code going on.  If you want to understand a block of
code, reading everything textualy within the curley braces should be a
_minimum_, in which case, the word POST is plenty.

Also, I think that the syntax of exception processing should be minimial,
not only because I'll use it more if it's an extra 5 keystrokes instead of
an extra 15, but because the important things should stand out more --
that's why we support both leading and trailing ifs.

>   - It does solve the dual free problem.  Where RFC 88 says:
>         try { my $p = P->new; my $q = Q->new; ... }
>         finally { $p and $p->Done; }
>         finally { $q and $q->Done; }
>     the proposed method could say:
>         my $p = P->new; POST { $p->Done; };
>         my $q = Q->new; POST { $q->Done; };
I like this MUCH better.  Even better (IMHO) would be:

my $p = P->new; POST: $p->Done;
my $q = Q->new; POST: $q->Done;

That only gets rid of one char (the ; after the ->Done;s is already optional
as the last statement in a block), but it looks much less crowded to me.

I'd get rid of the caps on POST if I could, but that would be breaking
tradition for naming magical things.

>     On the other hand, there is no easy way to specify the order
>     in which $p->Done and $q->Done are invoked, independent of
>     the order in which $p and $q are constructed.  Hmm.
You could always say:
my $p = new P;
my $q;
try {$q = new Q};
POST: $q->Done;
POST: $p->Done;

A little on the messy side, but workable.

>   - The semantics aren't quite the same as "try"

You could even have
  my $a = new A; POST: $a->Done;

} catch { f() } finaly { g() };

(In which case, we go with order-encountered: first the POST, then the catch
(if approps), then the finaly.  (I don't think there should be a try keyword
neccessary at the top.  (Though if present, it should be a warning not to
have any danglers on the end of the block.))

>   - If the contents of a POST block raises an exception, how
>     does it affect other POST blocks?
I'd like to poist this rule:
Each POST block is independent.  If one raises an exception, it has no
effect on the others (including the value of @@).  This is equivlent to
saying that each POST block has an implicit eval {}.

If you want to do somthing if a POST {} block throws, use POSTs inside the
POST, or any of the other try {} catch {} finaly {} things.

>     In the example above, if $p->Done throws, then $q->Done should
>     be called, *and* vice versa, *and* unwinding should propagate if
>     either one threw (or anything else did for that matter, unless
>     it was caught without the catching throwing).
I don't follow you, neccessarly.  Is that what I just said?  I'm a little
bit behind in the jargon.

>   - What about CATCH blocks (what RFC 88 calls "catch" and RFC 119
>     calls "except")?  What exactly is the interaction between these
>     dynamic POST and CATCH blocks?  We will need a detailed semantics,
>     along the lines of
>     http://www.avrasoft.com/perl6/rfc88.htm#Unwinding_Semantics
I'd go with a textual FIFO for danglers (what you have proposed, if I read
it correctly, then a LIFO on the in-body ones in order encountered.

BTW, when I say order encountered what I mean is that for this:

for (1, 2) {
    POST {print "2\n"} if ($_ == 2);
    POST {print "1\n"} if ($_ == 1);
    print "$_\n";

Will output:

because we hit the 1 POST block in order-of-execution first, even though it
was second in textual order.

>   - What about conditional CATCH blocks?  What syntax can we
>     use that interacts reasonably well with the rest of Perl?
Hm?  POST { if (cond) { somthing } }.
CATCH is just shorthand.

>   - What's the return value?  With RFC 88 you can say:
The return value is undef (or empty-list) until you hit a return statement.
If the code dies before returning, then it stays undef/() unless somthing
run after that (IE a CATCH/POST/catch/finaly/whathaveyou) returns.  (And if
it does, that blocks all execption processing.)

You can mess with the return arbitrarly if we support return-stack visiblity.

    -=- James Mastros
"All I really want is somebody to curl up with and pretend the world is a
safe place."
AIM: theorbtwo       homepage: http://www.rtweb.net/theorb/

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