Branden wrote:
> a) Many of us want Perl to have globals as default, what is opposed to
> some that want `use strict' and `-w' turned on by default.

You are profoundly confused.

Globals *are* the default in current perl; and having strict 'vars'
on does not magically change that.

strict 'subs', strict 'refs', and -w have no bearing on any of this,
of course.

> Why don't we ship Perl 6 with two different binaries?

Even better, perl6 will be much more easily hackable (by design)
than perl5 is, so we should able to try making these modifications
ourselves.  Also, you'll be able to install policy-specific binaries
at your own sites.

> I would say I withdraw my complaints about `my' if
> my other proposal of `use scope' gets approved (since then I don't need `my'
> anymore!).

Don't hold your breath.

(All this to save two keystrokes.  Sheesh.)

> In Perl 6, where the compiler will be written in Perl, 

What have you been smoking?

John Porter

You can't keep Perl6 Perl5.

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