At 09:56 AM 2/16/2001 -0500, John Porter wrote:
> > As for the -q thing, I think it is far *less* of a burden to add "use
> > strict" and "use warnings" when you're writing a big piece of code. When
> > you're writing 5 lines, every extra character counts. When you're
> > writing 500 or 5000 lines, 2 lines of "use" statements are nothing.
>I disagree.  We're talking about the added burder of -q in
>         perl -qe 'print "Just Another Perl Hacker,"'

We're not even talking about that.  All the -q/-z proponents have said that 
it should be implied by -e, so one-liners would have unchanged syntax.

And people who want their longer scripts to run blissfully free of the 
ravages of error checking can put -q on the #! line.  Whereas the rest of 
us currently have to remember to put use strict in every blasted .pm.

>vs. adding
>         use strict;
>         use warnings;
>near the top of -- not just one, but probably several or dozens of files.

It was only relatively recently that I realized that the one at the 
beginning of the main program was insufficient :-(

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