At 12:00 PM 20/04/2001 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
>It looks like Branden took the vtable names from RFC 159, which is a
>modification of 'use overload' ops to object member functions.

Yes, that was one of my biggest inspirations.

>our discussions of this on -objects, I remember Damian emphasizing that
>you want as much granularity as possible with anything that's overloaded
>(especially concerning the ability to overload || and &&).

The big problem with || and && is that they don't evaluate their second 
argument until it's needed, that's what allows us to do something like 
`$xxx || die'. I remember reading one possible use of it to do a seamless 
Perl to SQL query engine, like writing

select($name eq 'FILIPE' && $salary > 100000);

would do a SQL query. (It wasn't actually like this, but it was something 
like it). I haven't seen any use other than this for overloading && and ||, 
please tell me if there is one.

Now, this kind of thing above, this would actually be done much better by a 
pluggable parser (or better, a pluggable code generator, that takes the 
abstract syntax tree of the parsed perl code), that instead of generating 
perl bytecode (or whatever bytecode), generates a SQL query.

As I foresee it, dealing with the late evaluation needed for && and || 
wouldn't be worth the little win of being able of defining the Perl<->SQL 
translator with overload. And that will be even more so if we consider that 
we'll have a way to translate *all* the source code, with the pluggable 

Please tell me if there really is an use for overloading && and || that 
would not be better done with source filtering, then I will (maybe) 
reconsider my opinion.

- Branden

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