Bart Lateur writes:
: On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:14:50 -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
: >Using + for concat: no!
: >
: >My vote is to use . and require space before and after.
: >$this.$is.$ugly.$anyway ;)
: My vote is to ditch the concat operator altogether. Hey, we have
: interpolation!
:       "$this$is$just$as$ugly$but$it$works"

At the moment I'm leaning toward ^ for concat, and ~ for xor.  That
will help with ^= not resembling =~, though ~= would still mean The
Wrong Thing...

HOF is not an issue, since those will be $^whatever.

: Which reminds me... one problem I have with it is that it's too hard to
: separate a variable name from the rest of the string, if it also
: consists of word characters:
:       my $bar = "BAR";
:       print "foo${bar}baz";  -> fooBARbaz
: Since $bar is a lexical variable, this syntax doesn't make much sense
: anyway: it reeks of symbolic references and those don't work for
: lexicals.
: I think I'd like something incorporating a backslash would be nicer:
:       print "foo$bar\Ebaz";
: It works, but it may have unwanted side effects -- in case the "\E"
: actually serves a purpose.
: But, you may completely forget about it. I just had to say this one day.

No, I already thought of that one yesterday, and I agree with you completely.
Though \E is probably not it.

Well, they're calling my flight, so I'd better shut down.  (On layover
in Phoenix.)


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