On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 05:19:22PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:

> At the moment I'm leaning toward ^ for concat, and ~ for xor.  That

I think that would lead to confusion too. In many languages ^ is
xor and ~ is a bitwise invert. It is that way in perl now too, so
perl is already quite standard in that area. Changing these just
to get . for -> so that we are more "standard" seems very strange
as you are loosing two standards to gain one.

To be honest though I don't think it is possible to get a single
char concat operator with loosing something else, which is a shame.
It would be good if we could somehow overload + to be both string
and numeric, but I not sure that is possible.

The other choice is not to have a concat operator but instead have
C<concat LIST>, but I guess not many people would like that either.


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