On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 03:26:04PM +0200, Henrik Tougaard wrote:
> > From: Simon Cozens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 12:31:44PM +0200, Henrik Tougaard wrote:
> > > Please don't use the keypresscount as an argument.
> > Why not? We're making easy things easy, remember.
> Because your keyboard layout isnt mine!

Let's put it a different way - if we can find a short operator which
is readily accessible on most people's keyboards, then that would
score over a longer operator which is readily accessible on most 
people's keyboards. Maybe ~ isn't that operator. Maybe & is, or ^ or
#, or whatever.

"Having just ordered 40 books and discovered I have no change out of a grand, 
I'm thinking of getting a posse together and going after some publishers. I'd 
walk into a petrol station and buy lots of petrol on Monday, too, but I think 
I'd get funny looks. More funny looks." - Mark Dickerson

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