On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 11:01:07 -0300, Branden wrote:

>If the idea is supporting arbitrary add-on operators, which I believe will 
>be done seldom, for only some specific classes, wouldn't it be better to 
>have a ``catch all'' entry for operators different than the built-in ones?
>Of course, add-on operators would not have the same ``performance'' of 
>built-in ones

I think I second that. I would think of a fixed table for the built-in
ones, and a linked list for the add-ons. It's not necessary that a new
node is added for each and every method; instead, a structure similar to
those used in TIFF files could be used, where each linked in node
contains a table with several items, and a new node is only added when
that table is full.


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