On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 10:38:57AM -0400, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Claudio <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org>
> wrote:
> > Tools like vim-syntastic and atom use 'perl6-c' (the only valid linter for
> > now) to report syntax errors. Because "perl6 -c" executes code (BEGIN and
> > CHECK blocks as documented), this is a security concern for external code.
> The problem is that you probably can't parse the code successfully if you
> can't run BEGIN blocks. While this is currently less true of perl 6 code in
> the wild, it's actually even worse in potential than perl 5's ability to
> mutate its parser because a module can implement entire new languages.

Also, many things in Perl 6 get executed at BEGIN time even if they're 
not explicitly in a BEGIN block.  Constant and class declarations come 
to mind, but I'm sure there are more.

For example:

  $ cat xyz.p6
  use v6;
  say "1: mainline";
  constant $a = say "2: constant";
  BEGIN { say "3: BEGIN"; }
  $ ./perl6 xyz.p6
  2: constant
  3: BEGIN
  1: mainline


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