Hi Brian,

On 24.01.2017 23:28, Brian Duggan wrote:
> Hi All,
> This code:
>   my $str = '';
>   class Mock {
>     method say($arg) { $str ~= $arg }
>   }
>   $*OUT = Mock.new;
>   say 'hi';
> produces:
>   Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
>     in block <unit> at out.p6 line 6
> Changing the signature of say doesn't seem to help.
> If I change 'say' to 'print' in Mock, things work
> fine, though I'm having a hard time figuring out why
> the code above doesn't work.  Any ideas?

Because say() is a high-level function that uses the lower-level
$*OUT.print under the hood.

>From rakudo's src/core/io_operators.pm:

multi sub say(Str:D \x) {
    my $out := $*OUT;

You might be interested in
https://perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/2016-book-testing-say.html :-)


Moritz Lenz
https://deploybook.com/ -- https://perlgeek.de/ -- https://perl6.org/

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