On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 3:24 AM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:
> On 05/23/2017 12:05 AM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
>> I was upgrading perl6 and following the standard instructions, only to
>> find Task::Star is no longer in the Ecosystem.
>> Surely if this is not an error, the change should be notified.
>> Also, I upgraded a module of my own, but the Travis testing failed. It
>> seems that panda is not working either.
>> Panda might be deprecated, but removing it seems a bit sudden. I checked
>> and there seem to be quite a few modules that reference panda in their
>> travis.yml files.

Removed? It's still available at https://github.com/tadzik/panda …

>> RIchard
> Hi Richard,
> Panda stinks.

That's not really true or called for.

>  It is being replaced with `zef`.
> Here are my notes on zef (it presumes Fedora Core
> 25 Linux, but you can get the procedure from it for
> Windows):
> HTH,
> -T
> Installing modules: zef
> Note: modules can be downloaded from
>          https://modules.perl6.org/
>       with
>          git clone address_from_above
> Install zef:
>     $ git clone https://github.com/ugexe/zef.git
>     $ mv zef zef.git
>     $ cd zef.git
>     $ perl6 -Ilib bin/zef install .
>     $ cd ..
> or if using https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releases
>     $ install_zef_as_user.sh: install it in ~/.perl6
>     # install_zef_as_root.sh: install it in /opt/rakudo as root (use sudo)
> It will give you a path merge one liner
> This should install to /usr/lib64/perl6/site/bin/zef
> Make a link to it with
>     # ln -s /usr/lib64/perl6/site/bin/zef /usr/bin/zef
> Then update your path:
>     # vi /etc/profile
>       under the last pathmunge, add (depending on where perl6 really is)
>            # perl 6's panda path
>            # pathmunge /usr/share/perl6/site/bin after
>            pathmunge /opt/rakudo/bin after
> And make a link from the actual location to the expected location
>     # ln -s /opt/rakudo/bin/perl6  /usr/bin/perl6
> Note: run as a user
>     zef --help
>     # install the CSV::Parser distribution   (it will also install
> dependancies)
>     zef install CSV::Parser
>     zef install Net::SMTP
>     zef install NQP::Eval
>     zef install Terminal::ANSIColor
>     # search for distribution names matching `CSV`
>     zef search CSV
>     # detailed information for a matching distribution
>     zef info CSV::Parser
>     # list all available distributions
>     zef list
>     # list reverse dependencies of an identity
>     zef rdepends HTTP::UserAgent
>     # test project in current directory
>     zef test .
>     # fetch a specific module only
>     zef fetch CSV::Parser
>     # fetch a module, then shell into its local path
>     zef look CSV::Parser
>     # smoke test modules from all repositories
>     zef smoke
>     # run Build.pm if one exists in given path
>     zef build .
>     # update Repository package lists
>     zef update
>     # upgrade all distributions (BETA)
>     zef upgrade
>     # upgrade specific distribution (BETA)
>     zef upgrade CSV::Parser
>     # lookup module info by name/path/sha1
>     zef --sha1 locate 9FA0AC28824EE9E5A9C0F99951CA870148AE378E
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They malfunction when you open windows
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Will "Coke" Coleda

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