On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 04:02:43PM +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
> What he is proposing is that Perl6 would have a kind of variable that
> doesn't have a prefix. That isn't perlish IMO.

open OUT, ">foo" or die $!;
print OUT "Rubbish!\n";
close OUT;
OUT = STDERR; # Works in 5.7.1, I think.

(Incidentally, I believe prefices should stay.)

<Citizen_X> I detest people who get in their cars before turning off the 
alarm, fiddle around a bit, and then turn it off
<Citizen_X> maybe they're afraid someone might steal the car in the short time 
before they turn off the alarm and actually get in
<Citizen_X> it's a race condition, you know

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