Quoting R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com>:

Are there any releases signed by the developers? The official releases
located at https://rakudo.perl6.org/downloads/star/ do not seem to
have signatures available.

There's Rakudo the compiler and Rakudo Star distribution
which is the compiler + docs + some modules.

Yes, the compiler releases *are* signed. You can get the signatures off
GitHub: https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/tags or the compiler directory
on the downloads page: https://rakudo.perl6.org/downloads/rakudo/

Rakudo Star release guide does advise to sign and it's unfortunate it's not being done with the explanation of it being too much effort. It's just two commands to run,
which can be automated, like it was done for the compiler releases.

wget --no-check-certificate

I have no words. Can anyone justify this choice?

No, that's awful and should be removed.

[…] should actually be done […] I would suggest […] the project needs
[…] There are various articles […] they are slightly more complicated to use.

Keep in mind a large portion of this project is maintained by volunteers, using their spare time and whatever knowledge they possess. Jumping in with a mountain of criticisms to tear our volunteers a new asshole isn't very helpful, I think, as the replies sent
to you so far indicate.

There was talk of making a leaner distribution: Rakudo compiler + zef module installer. Perhaps, you could start on that effort and do it the Right Way and once that's working well,
Rakudo Star can be similarly improved.


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