Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Me writes:
> : Larry:
> : > Currently, @ and [] are a promise that you don't intend to use string
> : > indexing on this variable.  The optimizer can make good use of this
> : > information.  For non-tied arrays of compact intrinsic types, this
> : > is going to be a major performance win in Perl 6.
> : 
> : Assuming that optimization opportunities remained intact,
> They won't, but go on.
> : do you think conflating @ and % would be a perl6 design win?
> Nope, I still think most ordinary people want different operators for
> strings than for numbers.  Dictionaries and calculators have very
> different interfaces in the real world, and it's false economy to
> overgeneralize.  Witness the travails of people trying to use
> cell phones to type messages.

They appear to rather like it in the UK. But then people are very
weird indeed.

Piers Cawley

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