On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 12:13:13PM -0700, David Goehrig wrote:
> On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 11:55:36AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> > If you talk that way, people are going to start believing it.  
> [snip]
>       Some of us are are talking that way because we already
>       beleive it.  You can't make the transition from Attic
>       Greek to Koine without changing how people fundamentally
>       view their language.  Apocalypse two made me a believer. 

There's language and then there's language.  Is English the same language
it was 50 years ago?  No, but it's substantially similar, and all of
the old thoughts are still parsable and comprehendable.  The reverse
isn't strictly true.

This isn't about an instant transition from Attic to Koine Greek.
It's more like an opportunity for accelerated translation from
Frank Sinatra to Trent Reznor.  But if you prefer Frank and despise
the noise taking his place, that's fine too -- Frank's not going

In that respect, Perl6 will be very much the same language, +/- a
few kiloconways[*] from where we are today, if you want it.  :-)


[*] conway: unit of mind expansion.  One Conway == ~20 lines of Perl code
    found in $CPAN/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY, which gives the sensation
    of your brain being wrapped around a brick, with kiwi juice squeezed
    on top.

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