On Thu, 10 May 2001, Larry Wall wrote:

> Dave Storrs writes:
> : should stick with <>.  Also, I'd prefer to use the 'x' operator for
> : specifying multiples:
> : 
> :     @foo = <$STDIN> x 4;
> :     @foo = <$STDIN> x &mySub;
> :     
> : The parallel with "$foo = 'bar'x2;", where bar is simply repeated twice,
> : is obvious:  '<$STDIN' iterates the, uh, iterator, and repeating that
> : operation iterates it multiple times.  It even reads nicely "Fetch a line
> : from STDIN times four" (or, more idiomatically, "...four times").
> Um, I don't think so.  What I wrote above was just a fancy trick with
> straight Perl 5 overloading.  You could do that today.
> I'd think that what you wrote would have to input one line from $STDIN
> and then dup that line 4 times.  Either that, or because it's in list
> context it inputs all the lines and duplicates each 4 times, just like
>     @foo = @bar * 2;
> maybe ought to multiply each element by two, at least the way some
> numericists look at it.

        Hmmm...I see your point, but I think it depends on what you see as
the operatee that 'x' is operating on.  If it's the string(s) produced by
<>, then you're certainly right.  But if it is the act of iterating
itself, then I think my suggestion is still valid.  And yes, I realize
that the current behavior is always to act on the string, not the act of
calling the function that produced the string, or whatever.  I just think
that we could extend 'x' to have a general repetition meaning.  Imagine
the following:

        our $a = 0;
        our $baz = 'jaz';
        sub blah {
          return 'Hi';
        $foo = 'bar' x 2;               # $foo => 'barbar'

        $foo = $baz x 2;                # $foo => 'jazjaz'

        $foo = blah() x 2;              # blah() called twice,
                                        # $foo = 'Hi', $a = 2

        $foo = join '', (blah() x 2)    # blah() called twice,
                                        # $foo => 'HiHi', $a = 4

        $foo = <$STDIN> x 2;            # read two lines, discard first,
                                        # stick second into $foo

        @foo = <$STDIN> x 2;            # read two lines, stick into @foo


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