> Doubtless Damian could come up with a way to view them as hashes...

Well, of course.

An iterator is neither pure state nor pure behaviour. It's an
inextricable commingling of the two. In other words: an object.

So they are *most naturally* viewed as hashes:

        package Iterator;
        sub new   { my $class = shift; bless {@_}, $class }
        sub next  { croak 'Abstract next method called on ' . ref $_[0] }
        sub reset { my $self = shift; $self->{next} = undef; }

        package Iterator::Range;
        use base 'Iterator';
        sub next  {
                my $self = shift;
                $self->{next} = $self->{from} unless defined $self->{next};
                return $self->{next}++ if $self->{next} <= $self->{to};
                $self->{next} = undef;

        package Iterator::Step;
        use base 'Iterator::Range';
        sub next  {
                my $self = shift;
                $self->{next} = $self->{from} unless defined $self->{next};
                return ($self->{next}+=$self->{step})-$self->{step}
                        if $self->{next} <= $self->{to};
                $self->{next} = undef;

        package Iterator::Array;
        use base 'Iterator';
        sub next { 
                my $self = shift;
                return ($self->{array}[$self->{next}++]
                        if ($self->{next}||=0) < @{$self->{array}};
                $self->{next} = undef;

        # etc.
        # etc.
        # etc.

See? Nothing but hashes.



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