Hi Johan,

On Thu, 9 Nov 2017 09:59:12 +0100
The Holy Ghost <holygh...@yellowcouch.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 09, 2017 at 10:23:46AM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > 
> > Regarding the grammar, I wanted to send a pull-req, but unfortunately I
> > found that I usually couldn't figure out the original intention. See for
> > youreself -
> > https://github.com/shlomif/holly6src/blob/master/Holly6Game/README . Sorry
> > for not mentioning it earlier. 
> About the pull request, I see you're interested in my HollyGame things,
> there's a repository at the same user with the original perl 5 code in it, 
> https://github.com/theholyghost/hollysrc you can
> also find my Wycadia and Ultima8 programs derived from the game kit in there.
> If you want to port them, Perl5::Inline or write your own, be my guest.

Thanks for the update. I forked the repo hoping to fix the README, and do not
have an immediate use for this code. I'll keep your offer in mind, however.
> Best Regards,
> Johan

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Parody of "The Fountainhead" - http://shlom.in/towtf

SMG: It was 1997-1998ish, Buffy started airing. So one day a group of
yeshivah pupils arrived to the studios saying they have some numereological
insights from the Jewish bible, about what will happen in Sunnydale next.
    — http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/

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