Don't say innocent if you mean punchline.

On Tue, May 1, 2018, 10:46 PM ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> You guys will noticed a bunch of things you have been helping me with
> in the following.  Thank you!
> :-)
> I have been working on cleaning up the file transfer of data from a
> point of sale software (POS) program to a label printer.
> The customer puts his margin on the end of the description line, so
> his labels show his margin, not that anyone would know what that
> meant.  He puts his margin and shipping after a slash.
> Anyway, the transfer file is a comma delimited text file.
>      "sss","dddd"   etc.
> Well now, instead of writing out inches, he used a quote.
> There goes the label program.  So I changed " to inches.
> and the whacking to rid the margin was something to behold.
> <code>
> #!/usr/bin/env perl6
> my $LabelStr='"00046436405","HALT 3/4" ORIG LNG #35-1333-RD/.55 +
> SHP","","     3.95","      0.00","      0.00","      0.00","
> 0.00","","","      0.00","35-1002-RD","WEAV","","","BRIDL","",""';
> say "$LabelStr\n";
> $LabelStr ~~ s:global|"3/4\""|3/4 inch|;
> $LabelStr ~~ s:global|(.*)\/(.*?)(\"\,.*)|$0$2|;
> # say "0 = <$0>\n1 = <$1>\n2 = <$2>";
> say $LabelStr;
> </code>
> $ RemoveMarginTest.pl6
> "00046436405","HALT 3/4" ORIG LNG #35-1333-RD/.55 + SHP","","
> 3.95","      0.00","      0.00","      0.00","      0.00","","","
> 0.00","35-1002-RD","WEAV","","","BRIDL","",""
> "00046436405","HALT 3/4 inch ORIG LNG #35-1333-RD","","     3.95","
> 0.00","      0.00","      0.00","      0.00","","","
> 0.00","35-1002-RD","WEAV","","","BRIDL","",""
> About killed me, but I got it.
> Part numbers and prices changed to protect the innocent.
> -T
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They malfunction when you open windows
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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