What you really want is to change a quote to "inch" if the quote is
not at the start of the line, not preceeded by a comma, not followed
by a comma, and not at the end of a line.

> $LabelStr ~~ s:global|"3/4\""|3/4 inch|;

But that will only fix inch when it is after 3/4
how about

> $_='"6" hand","7" foot","8 10" '
"6" hand","7" foot","8 10"
> s:g/(<!before ^> && <!after \, >) \" <!before \, | \s*$ >/ inch/; $_
"6 inch hand","7 inch foot","8 10"

I am a bit perplexed at the asymmetry - thought it would work with
s:g/<!after ^\s* | \, > \" <!before \, | \s*$ >/ inch/ - I put a
question in perl6-language about that.


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