On 9/30/18 2:45 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
The manual need to be written for the common user to
understand, not just developer level and very advanced
users.  They don't need the manual anyway.

Of course we do. I constantly refer to the Perl 5 manual rather than waste memory on rote information.  I'm always looking up format descriptors in printf, for instance, and the near-endless special cases in split.

The amount of syntactic capacity in function/method calls is far greater in Perl 6 than in Perl 5. Your argument is like asking why C functions are so much harder to learn than assembler where all one has to do is push words onto a stack and jump.  The features of signatures and types are much larger in Perl 6 than their Perl 5 equivalents (where everything is a list except for weird prototypes that even the manuals advise you not to use) and critical to using the language properly and effectively.

Understanding these key concepts among others is foundational to programming in Perl 6 and is, again, covered in the excellent tutorial material that you are determined not to read and are instead extracting message by message from the members of this list. That latter approach is going to end up being more frustrating and alienating for you in the long term than gritting your teeth and forcing yourself to read a book.

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