On 9/30/18 7:07 AM, Peter Scott wrote:
gain, covered in the excellent tutorial material that you are determined not to read and are instead extracting message by message from the members of this list. That latter approach is going to end up being more frustrating and alienating for you in the long term than gritting your teeth and forcing yourself to read a book.

Books don't work for me.  I have explained why in exhaustive detail.
My head is not hitting the table one more time.

When I learn something, I write it down in my own words with my own
examples.  I am up to 144 now.  I am, so to speak, creating
my own manual.  If you are curious, pick a topic, if I have
a Todd special for it, I will post it back.   (Pick a few, as
I may not have something on all of them.)  It will give you
an insight as to how my mind works.

By the way, schools have books.  Why is it do you suppose that
that schools also have teacher?  Should not all that be covered
in the book with complete understanding on the part of the reader?

If you find my questions out of line, please just do not answer them.

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