
Since your 'perl box' got corrupted, may be you missed Yary's message (copied below). Yary shared a frank viewpoint that I entirely agree with.

Several people have said 'read a book'. Reading a book - even if it can be hard sometimes - is a courteous thing to do in a community that has repeatedly asked you to do so. 'round hole square peg' is not a courteous response.

You say you read the documentation, but when you asked for a tutorial on NativeCall, and I pointed out that I had added one, you said that you read the documentation months ago. I think I added the tutorial over a year ago. Which indicates you did not read the documentation. It would have been polite - before you posted your first request - just to check. In fact, the function you mentioned was complex and a short tutorial will never cover all the bases. So a question based on an initial reading would have been welcome. In fact, even though I wrote the tutorial, I relied on the help of several others, and I still do not understand all the nuances. So extra specific questions would be useful.

Your ideas about documentation that work for you conflict with mine. I have commented on one of your RFE's and you want considerable changes of style to match your whims.

That is not to say that your contributions to this community are unwanted, unwelcome, or trivial. The opposite is true: your questions - the substance not the form - have elicited some fascinating and lucid responses.

Further, you have mentioned several times that you write notes to yourself about Perl6. Why not make them available in some way, eg. on github (its free and there are ways to put up static html pages)?

Richard, aka finanalyst

On 01/10/18 01:26, yary wrote:
Todd, allow me to distill the situation from my POV.

There are many sources of Perl 5 docs. "perldoc -f ..." is one of them, and it works well for you.

There are also a choice of Perl 6 docs. ""; is one of them, and it doesn't work well for you, but of all the perl6 docs, it's the one you return to out of necessity.

Those two documents were built for different purposes, and written/generated via very different organizational structure.

As a fellow perl6 newbie, I also hit frustrating points, and I relate to many of your questions and posts, but '"perldocs -f xxx" is a bazillion times easier to understand than Perl 6's manual' makes me mad and not want to engage. To me that reads like a general insult. I imagine what you meant was "perldoc -f works better for my purposes" and out of the heat of the moment, I expect you'd agree, and eventually you post doc RFE's which is the best outcome.

An analogy. "Ikea docs are great because they explain everything with pictures." ok that works for me.

"I love the words method but I can't make heads or tailsĀ of <>. How come [] and () do different things? What the heck is Inf doing there?" works for me.

"Here's an RFE for the words method that summarizes what I've figured out. And it doesn't even have words, it's all diagrams, just like the Ikea manual!" ok that works for me.

"The writing on <> is no good. How is anyone supposed to build software with it? Compare to the Ikea docs- so much better- you can build anything with them!" Not helpful, turns me off to the discussion.

" <>." and "perdoc -f" are different animals, created for different goals. Yes please help clarify the perl6 docs, ask questions and distill the answers. Perhaps someday Perl 6 will have its own on-line combined reference-and-tutorial similar to "perldoc -f" but that is not the primary purpose of " <>."

My request to help me remain involved in your threads: try keeping the broad judgments to yourself, acknowledge that these documents are works in progress with different goals, focus on finding the weak points which highlight a misunderstanding, and communicate those.


On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 3:48 AM, ToddAndMargo < <>> wrote:

    On 9/30/18 3:02 AM, Siavash wrote:

        Because one is a method and the other is a sub. Look at "List:D:".
        And they are not identical, the last example showed the

    The sub sure seems like it slurps to me.

    $ p6 'join( ", ", 1, 2, 3).say;'
    1, 2, 3

    What am I missing?

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