Hi All,

Why does this work

$ p6 'sub RtnOrd( Str $Char --> Int ){return ord($Char)}; say RtnOrd "A";'

But this does not?

$ p6 'sub RtnOrd( Str $Char --> Str, Int ){return $Char, ord($Char)}; say RtnOrd "A";'

    ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
Malformed return value (return constraints only allowed at the end of the signature)
    at -e:1
------> sub RtnOrd( Str $Char --> Str⏏, Int ){return $Char, ord($Char)}; say R

Many thanks,

No pointy:

$ p6 'sub RtnOrd( Str $Char ){return $Char, ord($Char)}; say RtnOrd "A";'
(A 65)

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