At 01:09 AM 6/1/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In my experience, perl opcodes have not been the performance bottleneck
>in perl5.
>It seems it isn't actually the loop that's the bottleneck in perl5. I
>profiled a whole bunch of different perl programs, using a lot of
>different versions of perl5; and the runops loop was very rarely among
>the top CPU users.  Many times, the opcode routines themselves weren't
>the hot spots. It was the support routines like hash key calculation
>and lookup, string comparisons, or the regular expression code.

Yeah, a lot of that's definitely a problem, as is the manipulation of the 
return stack and some assignment bits. (You can cut the time split takes in 
half by having the destination array presized, for example)

>Profiling is almost always counter-intuitive, but if I had to
>guess, I'd say that most of the per-opcode cost in perl5 was due to
>setup/initialization as each opcode was entered, and that devious/clever
>data structure design could avoid most of this. Also, opcode dispatch
>might not be the right tree up which to be barking in seeking performance.

The setup/teardown costs are definitely a heavy expense. We can cut it down 
some, hopefully a lot in some cases, but there are limits to what can be 
done. If they're treated as a fixed cost (which they more or less are), 
then the less often we pay that cost the better.

Unfortunately there's also the problem of having *too* many opcode 
functions, at which point you pay a lot of cycles in cache miss times 
fetching in Specially Optimized Function #4327. It seems, though, that if 
we have the option of doing something in one opcode instead of 10 or 20, it 
makes sense to do so as we reduce the constant costs.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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