On 2020-01-12 09:18, Marcel Timmerman wrote:
On 1/9/20 7:10 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
'my uint32 $c; $c = "ABC";'
The error shows that you cannot assign a string to an int (This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Str)

You can do the following to get it right;

'p6  -e 'my uint32 $c; $c = 0xABC;''

Hi Marcel,

That you for the tip!  I have been using Hex numbers
a lot lately.

Here is a workaround to assign the value of a cardinal ($c)
to an integer ($x):

p6 'my uint32 $c = 0xFFAA; my int32 $x = $c +| 0x0000; say $c.base(16);'

Back on subject.

The intent of my posting was not to correct a
mistake in my code, but to demonstrate a mistake
in the description of the returned error.

Cardinals or unsigned integers, whatever you want to
call them, are not the same thing.  The error description
called a cardinal and integer.

Here is one reason why you do these to to be
distinct from each other.  In Win API calls to the
registry, REG_DWORDs are all cardinals, not

And having the error properly describe the variables
involved helps you troubleshoot your booboo's.


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