On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 12:12:07AM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> On 2020-06-07 22:39, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > I thought I explained that. The Rakudo developers are*never*  finished
> > with the development of some methods. Somebody*will*  want to extend
> > them in their own module. The Rakudo developers*want*  to declare some
> > methods as "multi" to allow the Rakudo users to write Raku programs that
> > extend some existing classes to make them do interesting things.
> You did and I understood it.  Your explanation was well
> though out/
> What you missed was my point that the developers have a
> process for checking in new code.  Part of that process
> is updating the documentation.  That is the proper
> time for documentation to be updated.  The purpose of
> the documentation is not to keep places open for unicorns.
> Now you are absolutely correct that the software is NEVER finished.  But
> Raku is not a "daily" release to the public.
> They exist, but are not released to the general public.
> Raku has releases.  When the new release his, the
> documentation need to match the release.  It is
> all part of the check in process.

Nothing. Needs. To be. Updated.

For the last time. The methods are "multi" for two reasons:
- to allow other parts of Rakudo to use them *internally*
- to allow *module authors* and *application writers* like you and me
  to extend them in our own classes

Both of these are very valid reasons to declare some methods as "multi".

Nothing needs to change in the documentation.

> > What did you learn from going to Github? That you may call
> > .starts-with() without the :i or :m parameters? Was that not written in
> > the documentation? Or that you may call .starts-with() with a $needle
> > being Cool and not Str? Again, was that not written in the
> > documentation? So what did you learn from going to Github that was not
> > in the documentation?
> Nothing I remember.  But that was not my point.

What is your point then? What *exactly* is lacking in the documetation
of the Str.starts-with() method, *and why*? Examples, please.
And no, *don't* say "the internal method without the :i and :m" without
explaining *why* you want it to be "documented".


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@debian.org p...@storpool.com
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