So I guess I got included on this as the resident language professor :-) 
(although I probably should subscribe to p6 users at some point)  I didn't see 
the whole thread in the e-mail I got copied in on, so apologizes if I repeat 

I'll spare everyone all the linguistic details, but suffice it to say, invocant 
and invoker are functionally equivalent.  The former is a nominalized 
adjective, and the latter a noun proper.  They mean "the one that invokes 
(calls)".   We can use either, but I'd recommend we be very consistent.  
Invocant seems to be the preferred, so let's use it exclusively.  On the other 
side, we have invoked and invokee, which in English share a similar distinction 
(although nominalizing the former often sounds odd, and adjectifying the latter 
would probably be read as missing a genitive 's).

Summed up, we should avoid using invocant to refer to a method that's being 
called.  Generally, just calling it a "method" is sufficient, but if need be, 
I'd go with "the invoked method".  We probably can write documentation to avoid 
the formalisms altogether, though, by saying something to the effect of

> Opens the file [represented by the [calling] object] and returns its lines.

That's fairly simple and clear.  In an article about signatures, however, I 
think using the term is absolutely appropriate, and warrants defining it 
parenthetically inline as "the object that calls/invokes the associated 
method".  I get that using the word "call" muddies the water (the formal 
distinction that tchrist was getting at is that a sub has no invocant except 
perhaps a calling context, ie the "caller" — which a method also has), but we 
already did that by having methods use CALL-ME instead of INVOKE-ME :-) *


* Of course, the reason was to harmonize calls of all code, and the fluid 
nature of allowing transitive methods be used as subs and viceversa (method 
$invocant: @args and $invocant.&sub) means that one term had to rule them all.

From: William Michels <<>>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 2:44:55 PM
To: yary <<>>
Cc: perl6-users <<>>; 
ToddAndMargo <<>>; Brad 
Gilbert <<>>
Subject: Re: lines :$nl-in question

Do you agree with that definition, Yary? Brad? Here it is:


"Caller, the one who calls or invokes. The invocant of a method would
be the object on which that method is being called, or, in some cases,
the class itself. Invocant is used instead of caller because the
latter refers to the scope."

At first blush, the definition at contradicts the
definition given to us by Brad. English speaker will typically use the
following word pairs to denote 1. an actor and 2. a recipient of some
action. So we have the following:

Payer vs. Payee
Lessor vs. Lessee
Employer vs. Employee

So going with the typical English usage above, the pattern would
continue with "Caller" vs "Callee" and "Invoker" vs
"Invokee/Invocant".  Therefore my humble reading of the definition
given by Brad, as well as a post authored by a certain TChrist on
StackExchange [1], suggests to me that "Invocant" is a synonym for
"Callee" (or the possibly-imaginary word "Invokee"). One can look at
the definition of "Invoker" online provided by Oracle with regards to
the Java programming language [2], to further distinguish "Invoker" vs

HTH, Bill.

W. Michels, Ph.D.


On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 9:54 AM yary 
<<>> wrote:
> The Raku glossary has a definition
> suggestion, link to that where the term appears.
> -y
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 9:16 AM William Michels via perl6-users 
> <<>> wrote:
>> Inline:
>> On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 12:49 AM Brad Gilbert 
>> <<>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Invocant is in the dictionary though.
>> >
>> > In fact it is from Latin.
>> >
>> > Origin & history:
>> >   Derived from in- + vocō ("I call").
>> >
>> > Verb:
>> >   I invoke
>> >   I call (by name)
>> >
>> > In fact that is pretty close to the same meaning as it is used in the Raku 
>> > docs.
>> >
>> > It is the object that we are calling (aka invoking) a method on.
>> Maybe we can meet Todd halfway?
>> >
>> > On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 6:39 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users 
>> > <<>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On 2020-08-28 23:51, Tobias Boege wrote:
>> >> > On Fri, 28 Aug 2020, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>     (IO::Path) method lines
>> >> >>
>> >> >>     Defined as:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>     method lines(IO::Path:D: :$chomp = True, :$enc = 'utf8', :$nl-in = 
>> >> >> ["\x0A", "\r\n"], |c --> Seq:D)
>> >> >>
>> >> >>     Opens the invocant and returns its lines.
>> "Opens the invocant (i.e. the object being called) and returns its lines."
>> [Add text in parentheses above only once per method, when the word
>> 'invocant' is first used].
>> Comments?
>> Best Regards, Bill.

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