On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 03:12:26PM -0700, yary wrote:
: I have a quibble there. 1st & 2nd sentences disagree slightly by going from
: active to passive voice. "Caller, the one who calls" vs "object on which
: that method is being called"
: Suggestion for 2nd sentence "The invocant of a method would be the object
: calling the method" ... if that is correct!

I don't think it much matters, because Tom and I originally picked
"invocant" precisely because it was the least-marked affix available with
respect to active/passive voice, so that you could run your mental model
either way, depending on whether you think the object itself does the
method or the calling context does the method on behalf of the object.
There is no single right answer here. C++ programmers will think of it
very differently from Smalltalk programmers.


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