(The intent is that) Perl 6 will be a better general purpose
programming language for building application specific

I'm interested in how far Perl 6 could go in providing support
for a high-level expressive syntax sub-language for dealing
with relational data. To the extent the general mechanisms
will be in place in the core, there is no need to discuss it at
this juncture; but then again, it's worth discussing to ensure
that A) the general mechanisms will indeed be in place, and
B) any syntaces chosen for core features won't jar with what
makes sense for the relational data sub-language (at least
not accidentally).

For this post (and hopefully thread), I'm interested in focusing
on the fact that a multi-dimensional array syntax, whatever it
might end up being, is clearly going to be a direct analog of
tables; that a multi-dimensional slice syntax could be seen as
half way to virtual datasets drawn from multiple tables (eg a
SQL select); that a discontiguous slice syntax gets the analogy
even closer; that a missing piece, akin to SQL joins, could be
darn useful outside of the usual database domain; that the
issue that arrays have numeric indices means I'm really
talking about multi-dimensional hashes, but then I don't see
as sharp a divide between arrays and hashes as others may
do, so I would expect whatever syntax is chosen for arrays is
also usable for hashes; and finally that some of the issues
that arise in considering multiple dimensional arrays are the
same as those that arise in dealing with database data, for
example sorting on multiple columns.

I'm not going to post anything more concrete for this initial
post. I thought others might want to pitch in first. If no one
bites, I'll try to do a follow up in a few days with some more
specific notes (unless someone bites so hard it's clear that
I should just shut up).

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