You can probably use AppVeyor. It's got good support for Windows, although
you'll have to write for it specifically. This one seems to use it, for

El mié, 23 dic 2020 a las 16:35, Richard Hainsworth (<>)

> Hi to everyone.
> Hope you all have a happy holiday time at the end of the year -
> different countries different celebrations, but good will to all.
> Hope 2021 is properous for you all too.
> About continuous testing. I have recently taken on the maintenance of
> GTK::Simple.
> The Travis-CI setup was constructed a while ago and tested both OSX and
> Linux, but not Windows.
> It was failing for OSX and for one of the Linux environments.
> So I have changed it to the minimal docker image provided by JJ - kudos
> that man!!!
> However, that required a removal of OSX - bad.
> In addition, GTK::Simple is difficult to install on Windows, so I'll
> need help there, but I would like to know how test a module for Windows
> anyway.
> For clarity, I last used a Mac in the naughties, and stopped using
> Windows as soon as I could get what I needed from Linux. So basically, I
> have minimal recent knowledge of these environments.
> I have two questions:
> a) Could any one provide me with a CI scheme that would cover Linux /
> OSX / Windows?
> Not necessarily on the same server environment.
> There is an issue in GTK::Simple to the effect that it would be better
> to use github Actions instead of Travis-CI et al. A comment on this
> theme would help.
> b) Is there a reasonable link to a blog/tutorial on CI ?
> I think that there should be some basic information on CI in the Raku
> documentation on Modules. If anyone answers q1 for me, then I'll write
> up the scheme I adopt for the Modules documentation together with a link
> to better information.
> When I have asked this question before, I haven't had much response.
> Either I have had answers that assume everyone know about CI, or most
> often I get a response that the answerer just copies/pastes
> configurations from other modules.
> Whilst CI is not a part of Raku, a basic CI scheme that could be adopted
> by all Module writers would enhance the robustness of the Raku module
> community.


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