I have been running into this error: "Too many open files"

Sorry for the lack of detail. The problem is that the error comes up in odd places, so I have found it difficult to golf down into Raku program that always fails with this error.

When I separate out the code that leads to the error, and create another program, Raku handles it without difficulty. It seems to occur when there are a lot of moving parts, so to speak.

I am not explicitly opening file handles, but the software I have written is using the idiom

"some-filename.html".IO.spurt( $an-accumulated-string );

Obviously, filehandles are being opened under the hood. Having written a file, there is no need to reference it again, so I could close the filehandle.

I have been told that because of the way garbage handling is implemented, there is a problem with file handles. If so, what is a safer idiom to use in place of and IO on a string, so that the handle can be closed immediately after use?

Appreciate some help on this.


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