Is it possible that is't got its origin in the operating system, and not in
Raku itself?

El mié, 17 mar 2021 a las 18:56, Elizabeth Mattijsen (<>)

> > On 17 Mar 2021, at 18:45, Richard Hainsworth <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I have been running into this error: "Too many open files"
> >
> > Sorry for the lack of detail. The problem is that the error comes up in
> odd places, so I have found it difficult to golf down into Raku program
> that always fails with this error.
> >
> > When I separate out the code that leads to the error, and create another
> program, Raku handles it without difficulty. It seems to occur when there
> are a lot of moving parts, so to speak.
> >
> > I am not explicitly opening file handles, but the software I have
> written is using the idiom
> >
> > "some-filename.html".IO.spurt( $an-accumulated-string );
> >
> > Obviously, filehandles are being opened under the hood. Having written a
> file, there is no need to reference it again, so I could close the
> filehandle.
> >
> > I have been told that because of the way garbage handling is
> implemented, there is a problem with file handles.
> That's should only happen if you specifically open a file to obtain an
> IO::Handle: if you don't close it yourself (e.g. via a LEAVE block like:
> LEAVE .close with $handle), *then* you run this risk, as the
> IO::Handle.DESTROY method *will* close the handle, but you cannot be sure
> as to when IO::Handle.DESTROY gets called.
> > If so, what is a safer idiom to use in place of and IO on a string, so
> that the handle can be closed immediately after use?
> The "filelame".IO.spurt($string)" is the exact idiom to ensure that file
> handles are getting closed for you automatically.  And I've just checked
> the code: the OS file handle *is* specifically getting closed with an
> nqp::closefh($!PIO).  Specifically, the sequence is:
>     my $PIO := nqp::open($path,$mode);
>     nqp::writefh($PIO,nqp::decont(data));
>     nqp::closefh($PIO);
> Now, you can't get more succinct than that: it doesn't even open an
> IO::Handle at all!
> The only thing I can think of at this moment, is that somehow
> nqp::closefh() is leaking?  Perhaps creating an issue for this, is in order!
> Liz


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