Hi Clifton Wood,
Here it is.

It was, by far, the best example I founded.
But as simple as it is, I fail to call functions from xframe
<https://github.com/xtensor-stack/xframe> to raku.

You'll also find examples here
which are quite old.
And practical implementation in this repo on github

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 11:49 AM Clifton Wood <clifton.w...@gmail.com>

> Aureliano, where was this example for C++? I'd love to take a look at it!
> Raku could really use a dose of Qt.
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 8:52 AM Salve J Nilsen <s...@pvv.org> wrote:
>> Piper H said:
>> > Has Larry Wall joined the development team of raku?
>> He's been part of it since the very beginning. He's also on this list,
>> chipping in now and then (last time was in June this year).
>> - Salve
>> --
>> #!/usr/bin/env perl
>> sub AUTOLOAD{$AUTOLOAD=~/.*::(\d+)/;seek(DATA,$1,0);print# Salve Joshua
>> Nilsen
>> getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':50,$'.#    <s...@foo.no
>> >
>> '3!=0"59,6!`%%P\0!1)46%!F.Q`%01,`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";  __END__ is
>> near! :)

Aureliano Guedes
skype: aureliano.guedes
contato:  (11) 94292-6110
whatsapp +5511942926110

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