Dear Larry Wall,

Sorry for writing you directly, but I know you
sometimes answer questions on this mailing list.
And those answers are uniquely easy for a beginner
to understand.

The compile times of Perl5 and Perl6 are dramatically
different.  Perl 5 is literally 100 times or more
faster than Perl6.  It is professionally embarrassing
to turn over a program to customer that takes up to
20 seconds to start.

I have reported the issue over on:

From the bug report, I compared a program I ported from
Perl 5 to Perl 6.

      $ raku -c --stagestats GetUpdates.pl6
      Stage start : 0.000
      Stage parse : 17.851
      Stage syntaxcheck: Syntax OK

      $ time perl -c syntax OK
      real 0m0.305s
      user 0m0.243s
      sys 0m0.029s

17.851 versus 0.75 seconds.   Or 238 times slower.

Since you wrote both Perl 5 and Perl 6, is there some
reason beyond my limited understanding of how these
things work as to why your Perl 5 is so much faster to
compile that your Perl 6?

And is wishing for the situation to be corrected
not a reasonable request?

Also, am I stuck with the .precomp work around, which
is not helpful when you have to run a lot of
iterations to debug things such are regex's?
17 seconds to see if I goofed a regex is killing me!

Many thanks,

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