Actually Raku is faster to compile than Perl5. If you consider all of the
features it comes with.

For example, in Raku everything is an object with meta features. If you add
Moose or similar to Perl5 then the compile times will often take longer
than the equivalent Raku times.

That's not the only such feature that you have to add to Perl5 to get
feature parity.

Then you have to also realize that the Perl5 compiler has had since 1994 to
get faster vs. 2015 for Raku.

On Mon, Aug 29, 2022, 10:48 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <> wrote:

> Dear Larry Wall,
> Sorry for writing you directly, but I know you
> sometimes answer questions on this mailing list.
> And those answers are uniquely easy for a beginner
> to understand.
> The compile times of Perl5 and Perl6 are dramatically
> different.  Perl 5 is literally 100 times or more
> faster than Perl6.  It is professionally embarrassing
> to turn over a program to customer that takes up to
> 20 seconds to start.
> I have reported the issue over on:
>  From the bug report, I compared a program I ported from
> Perl 5 to Perl 6.
>        $ raku -c --stagestats GetUpdates.pl6
>        Stage start : 0.000
>        Stage parse : 17.851
>        Stage syntaxcheck: Syntax OK
>        $ time perl -c
> syntax OK
>        real 0m0.305s
>        user 0m0.243s
>        sys 0m0.029s
> 17.851 versus 0.75 seconds.   Or 238 times slower.
> Since you wrote both Perl 5 and Perl 6, is there some
> reason beyond my limited understanding of how these
> things work as to why your Perl 5 is so much faster to
> compile that your Perl 6?
> And is wishing for the situation to be corrected
> not a reasonable request?
> Also, am I stuck with the .precomp work around, which
> is not helpful when you have to run a lot of
> iterations to debug things such are regex's?
> 17 seconds to see if I goofed a regex is killing me!
> Many thanks,
> -T

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