Marc Chantreux <> wrote:
> I got (<A B C>[^1,^2,^3]) and tried to generalize it with something
> more generic (using * to get the number of elements).

Yeah, I was disappointed that that didn't work, and that what
did was relatively ugly, which is why I didn't bother to share it.

<<. raku -ne '.Str.say for m:ex{^ [:r "/" <-[/]>+]+? }'

The `.Str.say` can be just `.put`.

I'm surprised about your preference.

Is that because you're unfamiliar with Bruce's suggestion
(cumulative concat), or worry others will be unfamiliar with it?

If not, can you see why I'm surprised -- why `m:g{ "/" <-[/]>+ }`
seems simpler to me than `m:ex{^ [:r "/" <-[/]>+]+? }`?


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