Hi Marc,

Does this do what you want? I've omitted the call to `run` and used mostly
IO::Path calls instead:

~$ echo "/Users/admin/logs" | raku -e 'for lines.IO -> $a is copy
{$a.Str.say; repeat {$a.=parent andthen $a.Str.say;} until $a eq



Note, above won't actually check if the given directory is valid--it only
checks the parents. To check a given directory first, try the following:

~$ echo "/Users/admin/bogus_dir/" | raku -e 'for lines.IO -> $a is copy {if
$a.d {$a.Str.say; repeat {$a.=parent andthen $a.Str.say;} until $a eq

#returns nothing for `bogus_dir`

HTH, Bill.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 1:56 PM Marc Chantreux <m...@unistra.fr> wrote:

> I love this one. I used uniq and run so the whole script can be run from
> raku (except the xargs ls avoid the ARG_MAX error)
> <<. raku -e 'run < ls -lUd >, unique map {(.IO, *.parent …^
> "/")>>.Str.Slip}, lines'
> /var/log/messages
> /var/log/auth.log
> regards
> --
> Marc Chantreux
> Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)
> http://annuaire.unistra.fr/p/20200

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