I'm trying to use the variable %?RESOURCES without success. It doesn't
work even when i install it locally with zef 

I have the following:

demanuel@archlinux test> cat resources/text.txt
This is my test file
demanuel@archlinux test> cat bin/run-me
sub MAIN(){
    say %?RESOURCES{"text.txt"}.slurp(:close);
demanuel@archlinux test> cat META6.json 
  "raku" : "6.d",
  "name" : "Test",
  "api"  : "1",
  "auth" : "demanuel",
  "version" : "0.0.1",
  "description" : "my resources test",
  "authors" : [ "demanuel" ],
  "license" : "GPLv3",
  "resources": [
demanuel@archlinux test> tree
├── bin
│   └── run-me
├── lib
├── META6.json
└── resources
    └── text.txt

4 directories, 3 files
demanuel@archlinux test> raku -I ./lib bin/run-me
demanuel@archlinux test> zef install .
===> Testing: Test:ver<0.0.1>:auth<demanuel>:api<1>
===> Testing [OK] for Test:ver<0.0.1>:auth<demanuel>:api<1>
===> Installing: Test:ver<0.0.1>:auth<demanuel>:api<1>

1 bin/ script [run-me] installed to:
demanuel@archlinux test> run-me
demanuel@archlinux test> 

Can someone point me what i'm doing wrong?

Best regards,
David Santiago

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