Hi All,

I know how to do this with several regex's and words.
What I'd like to learn is how to remove something
from the middle with regex using a wild card.

And I can't figure it out


print "\n";
my Str $x = Q[wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm</a> 23-Jul-2022 19:11 11K <a href="wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm];
print "1 [$x]\n\n";

$x~~s/ $( Q[</a>] )  *  $( Q[a href="] ) / /;
print "2 [$x]\n\n";

1 [wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm</a> 23-Jul-2022 19:11 11K <a href="wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm]

2 [wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm</a> 23-Jul-2022 19:11 11K < wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm]

My goal is to have `2` print the following out

wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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